The Kingsley
Alexandria, Virginia

The Kingsley
Alexandria, Virginia
Davis Carter Scott (DCS Design) provided Architect of Record and Construction Administration services for this stick-built 367,000 GSF rental apartment development located at 500 Madison Street in Old Town Alexandria. The project includes 175 residential units above a 58,821 SF Harris Teeter grocery store and includes 387 parking spaces in a 137,000 SF, two-and-a-half level, below-grade garage.
The design of this stick-built 233,350 SF multi-family development blends Alexandria’s historic charm with modern and contemporary accents. The 175 residential units are anchored by a 58,821 SF Harris Teeter grocery store below, providing an amenity-rich and walkable development near the heart of Old Town Alexandria. Having teamed with Harris Teeter on multiple past projects, DCS Design was essential in bringing Rust Orling Architecture’s original design concept to fruition, while balancing the complexity of combining a large retailer and a boutique rental apartment community in a single mixed-use project.
This project has achieved LEED Silver certification.
233,350 SF
175 Rental Units
59,000 SF Harris Teeter
3 level below grade garage with 387 spaces
Award of Excellence, Best Building Mixed-Use
NAIOP Northern VA Chapter