Palma Criolla
City Center
Mexico City, Mexico

Palma Criolla
City Center
Mexico City, Mexico
Palma Criolla City Center, situated on a sloping site with a 100 foot drop in elevation, is transformed from a small site with challenging topography into an amenity-rich, mixed-use development in a rapidly transforming area of Mexico City.
Davis Carter Scott (DCS Design) is using high-density planning to deliver the high-quality, in-demand uses in this growing Palma Criolla neighborhood. A terraced 3,000 car parking garage provides the foundation for the modern architecture rising from the hill side. A landscaped open plaza provides connectivity between public buildings and residences. Ground floor retail and civic functions including museum, banquet hall, a hospital, and cinema activate the site. The hotel, residential and office spaces all enjoy unobscured views thanks to the elevation of the site.