West Alex
Alexandria, Virginia

West Alex
Alexandria, Virginia
West Alex is an exceptional example of what the public and private sectors can accomplish when they work together collaboratively. The City of Alexandria’s enthusiastic support for the redevelopment of this site paved the way for the creation of a dense, mixed use development that provides much needed affordable, market rate and senior housing in an amenity rich environment with Harris Teeter, restaurants, office space, daycare and consumer serving businesses. All of this in a development of under 550,000 square feet. West Alex is a pleasant and comfortable place to be with attractive and inviting sidewalks, a central square for social and public activities. The massing of the buildings and the curving façade at King and Beauregard creates visual interest and excitement. Whether you’re traveling east on Route 7 or west on King Street; north on Beauregard or south on Walter Reed once you glimpse West Alex you know you’ve arrived in a distinctive and unique place, the western gateway to Alexandria.
315,000 SF apartment building with 278 units
75,000 SF Harris Teeter Grocery Store
50,000 SF Ground floor retail below
26,000 SF Office and 86,000 SF of residential with 74 affordable units (VHDA & LIHTC financing)
60,000 SF Office
800 space two-story below-grade garage